Coordinator Resume Applications

Submit Application Resumes for open Coordinator positions (Panel 64).

Officer Resume Applications

Area World Service Board Election Information

SCWS Area Board members serve for one “Panel” (a three-year term). The current Panel ends December 2026. The next Panel starts in January 2027. The Officers for the next Panel are elected at the November Assembly of the Panel’s final year. The job descriptions for the various elected roles are listed below:

Review Resumes before the election.

Elected Officers

The candidates for the Officer positions will send a resume indicating their interest in standing for an Officer position.

Coordinator Resume Applications

Submit Application Resumes for open Coordinator positions (Panel 64).

Officer Resume Applications

Area Coordinators

The candidates for the Coordinator positions will send a resume indicating their interest in standing for a Coordinator position. Resume must be sent to the incoming Area Chairperson.

Our Area Coordinators also practice rotation of leadership, with candidates sending a resume for positions they are interested in. Coordinators are appointed by the incoming Area Chair in consultation with the newly elected Area Officers. The job descriptions for the coordinator roles are listed below: